Bing, bang, bong BOOM. This explosive character is seriously just too much. MCs have announced her as the firecracker of the show. The bold colours, lines and music not to mention the top notch tricks will not leave you indifferent! Becky’s skill with a volunteer becomes totally apparent as she guides him into becoming her new duo partner, even without language. Together they will absolutely have you in stitches as he will need to learn to move his hips as much as she can! This number is always a crowd favourite!
Watch out, this quirky cigarette girl has been waiting her whole life for her moment of glory on stage. Once on stage she has a lot to prove; she is not just a cigarette girl, she is a talented, though slightly clumsy woman ready to live her life dream. Despite her costumes and accessories attempting to sidetrack her act, she will definitely succeed in impressing and charming every single spectator, young and old! Rebecca works in cabarets, festivals and corporate events alike with a variation of 6 minute to 15 minute versions of her act. She also works as an absurd and witty roving animation character.

This completely over-the-top parody of Barbie brings the absurdity of modern day vanity into the spotlight. This character struts between clown and buffon, leaving her public in laughing in awe.
From her excessive need for absurdly big hair, boobs and “perfect” lipstick, to her constant need for appreciation, Barbie leaves both families and late night cabarets alike dying of laughter.